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Media Kit

Media Kit for Jenny Pugh

They say, 'The dead don't speak'...but they DO to JENNY PUGH!

Jenny is a clairvoyant medium, psychic artist, writer and illustrator based in East Yorkshire, UK and has over forty five years of experience in providing evidence of spirit survival. As a psychic artist, she is also able to draw the spirits who visit her. Jenny has demonstrated her clairvoyant abilities on stage and at Spiritualist Churches as well as being featured in the media. Jenny also runs her own 'Clairvoyance Club,' on Nextdoor


Naturally psychic since childhood, Jenny grew up in the shadow of the medieval city of York, with its thousand resident ghosts. Here Jenny spent much of her childhood alone…or so it seemed to others. While her peers played with toys, Jenny was developing her innate psychic skills while hunting those spectres. And as she grew, so too did her abilities - ensuring a wild adventure ahead.


Her memoir, 'Why Do Angels Have Wings?' is the acclaimed clairvoyant medium's spellbinding memoir of her lifetime of supernatural experiences. She has also published 'My Psychic Development Journal.'

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